Login as a Cuatristas active member with your username and password. Then go to "CLASE EN VIVO" in the top menu.

When you click on "CLASES EN VIVO" (menu), you'll see the screen loading...

Then it will show your first test screen (we do these tests to ensure your equipment is compatible and internet connection strong enough).

Live Classroom 1


If that test succeeds, the system will next test if you have allowed the web browser to access your microphone and your webcam...

This is necessary, otherwise your teacher will not be able to see or hear you in the class.


Live Classroom 2


This will show that your webcam and microphone is successfully working.  


Live Classroom 3

The audio level will indicate if the browser can access this.

You'll have to notify the student you'd like to enter the class.

Live Classroom 4

You'll have to wait for your teacher to allow you into the class...

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Once your teacher accepts you into the class, you'll see you can click Notify the teacher to start class

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You should see the Teacher video in the top left (it will show the grey icon if the teacher has deactivate his/her webcam, there is a coloured indicator to show if/when the teacher is speaking.

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If you have chosen to allow your webcam, you will see something similar to above.  If you have a weak internet connection...you can choose Audio only mode.  

To do this, you would have clicked Join class without webcam (audio only)



Live Classroom 8

If you choose this mode, once you're inside the class you should be able to view the teacher's video but your webcam will stay disabled.

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